AOH Policy and Protocol

Important Information for Ambassadors at Every Stage

Talking Points on Non-Criminalization

Guidelines on how to speak in support of the work of our policy team. Help your community understand the importance of a non-criminalization for minors and adults involved in commercial sexual exploitation.

Quick Talking Points for Ambassadors

A brief guide to help you with your elevator pitch or brief introduction about the work of Shared Hope.  

Sign In Sheet

Use this sheet to help keep track of attendees at events. This will also allow attendees to sign up for more SHI information.

Outside Organization Agreement

If you are affiliated with an outside organization that does similar work in the space of anti-human trafficking, please read, sign, and return the last page of this agreement to

Engaging with the Media

Guidelines on how to best represent Shared Hope International when speaking to members of the media.

Speaker Requests

This explains Shared Hope’s process for handling speaker requests.

Engaging with Policymakers

Guidelines for speaking to legislators and political figures in your community. We want to help you as you introduce Shared Hope’s legislative framework and goals with the support of our policy team.

Representing Yourself as an Ambassador

Guidelines for being clear about your affiliation with Shared Hope International and how to best represent yourself as an Ambassador in the community.


These presentations are provided for Ambassadors to use in their community when representing Shared Hope.
General Awareness Presentation (ADULTS)

This 30–45-minute PowerPoint presentation for adult groups covers: a Shared Hope introduction, the evolution of exploitation with a focus of online grooming and recruiting, and what types of resources we have to offer to adults and youth.

5-7MIN Talking Points

PDF Document filled with Bullet Points for a straightforward verbal engagement.

Printable Signup Code

PPrint this simple PDF with a QR Code for simple participant signups.

Event Signup PPT Slide

Include this slide for easy participant sign up!

Tools for Internet Safety

Many Ambassadors have asked to see what a presentation on Online Safety looks like. This video showcases our own Jo Lembo delivering the Internet Safety 7 Minute presentation to a mixed audience.

Internet Safety. Mixed Audience, 7 minute presentation

This short intro is suitable for mixed audiences.

Internet Safety Ages 10-12

Intro to Internet Safety
(Ages 10-12)

This slide deck is appropriate for middle-schoolers discussing grooming, sexting and safe online behaviors. We recommend you offer the letter to Middle School Parents at the school prior to presenting.

Parent Info Letter for Internet Safety (Ages 10-12)

Internet Safety Ages 13-18

Internet Safety and Online Awareness

A Complete Powerpoint Presentation with embedded Speaker Notes.

Internet Safety and Online Awareness-Trailer
Internet Safety Demo Video

Kim Smith, an Ambassador of Hope out of Iowa, delivers a recorded demonstration of the NEW Internet Safety tool for Middle School and High School age youth.

Youth Internet Safety Resource List for Adults
7.20.23 AoH Internet Safety Workshop

Learn How to present the Internet Safety Slide Deck. This Live Ambassador Workshop was Recorded in July of 2023

Internet Safety Resource List for Youth and Students
Parent Info Letter for School Internet Safety (Ages 13-18)
Spanish Parent Info Letter for School Internet Safety (Ages 13-18)
Administration and Staff Letter for School Internet Safety (Ages 13-18)

Handouts for Students

Online Exploitation Handout

Helping students understand what dangers are inherent on the Internet, and how to navigate them to stay safe.

Rules for the Digital World

4 Simple Rules that Youth can follow to keep them safe.

Popular Apps

Most people can agree that apps have done a lot of wonderful things for our society. But they can also possess the potential for danger. Here are a few of the types of apps we have seen used by predators to groom and traffic vulnerable youth.

Video Games & Gaming

FBI Special Agent Kevin Kaufman: Connecting with children through video games has become a common technique for predators. Some predators eventually meet those kids in person, then trap them for trafficking purposes.” Here’s how you can help your child play safe.

Identifying a Safe Adult

How can you tell if someone is truly a Safe Adult?This document showcases some important warning flags.

Additional Internet Safety Resources

Caregiver Tips

Tips for Caregivers on how to keep kids safe online.

Tips for Monitoring Kids Online

It’s your job to be the protector, stand firm.

How to Talk to Your Kids

Making the Uncomfortable Bearable with scripts that give you confidence.

Full Page Poster

Promote your Internet Safety Event with this Customizable, Full Page Poster.

Half Page Poster

Promote your Internet Safety Event with this Customizable, Half Page Poster.

Internet Safety Booklet

Teaching adults how to keep kids safe online.

For more free, downloadable Internet Safety Tools, Click Here

Spanish Translated Resources

Industria Hospitaliaria


Caregiver Tips

Tips for Caregivers on how to keep kids safe online. (SPANISH Language Print Follows English

Internet Safety Mini-Guide in Spanish

Cómo Mantener a Sus Hijos a Salvo de Traficantes Sexuales en Línea

Warning Signs Posters

Warning Signs Bookmarks 4Up two sided

Print your own bookmarks – great item for Ambassador resource tables

Single Bookmark

Warning Signs Bookmarks print file – two sided, single bookmark

Familial Trafficking Warning Signs

Signs that a family might be trafficking vulnerable and or young family members.

Hospitality Industry Trafficking Signs

For hospitality industry staff and travelers, know the signs someone is in trouble and respond effectively.

Child Sex Trafficking Warning Signs

Identify the signs that a child is being groomed or sold for commercial sex and take action that could save a life.

Identify trafficking on the road poster

Spot sex trafficking while traveling or working on America’s Highways and make the call that could save a life!

Survival Exploitation Sex Trafficking Warning Signs

A minor who feels they have no other options may trade their body for basic needs. Know what to do when you see these signs.

Take Action

These print-ready files are for you to take to a favorite third party printer, or go online to order handouts in bulk. Your Chosen resource stick has files you may print from home, such as these Take Action cards, four to a page.


If you recognize the signs listed on the back, call the 800# to report what you see.

Take Action Card, Back

If you see these warning signs, call the number on the front.

Ambassador Recruiting Sheet

What ambassadors can expect, how they make a difference, and how to be successful.

Shared Hope Fact Sheet

A Great resource that outlines who we are and what we do.


Impactful infographic tells your audience how trafficking happens, who is at risk and what you can do about it.

printable business card

A PDF with customizable areas to print.Customize, Save, and Print!

Nosy Friend Printables

Nosy Friend Action Card for PRint!

Printable Vertical Banners

Faith in Action Banner Kit 2022

33″x80″ – Promote Faith In Action

Sex Trafficking is a Booming Industry

33″x80″ – Statistics, and the Path to Freedom

Ambassador and Defender Recruitment

Share what it means to be an ambassador, 33″x80″.

Defenders Resources

Defenders Fact Sheet

In essence, why is it important to sign the defender’s pledge?

defenders pledge cards

Print your own Defender’s Pledge Cards on Card Stock for pledges by men that count.


Our most requested graphic.

Just enter your ZIP code


Advocacy Action Center

Change the laws in our nation and in your state!The Shared Hope Advocacy Action Center lists federal and state laws that you can promote, notify your local lawmaker, in an incredible easy to use and social interface.

Visit your Store Page

Ambassadors receive a 20% discount on all items on this page when you purchase as a logged in Ambassador.

Visit Store

Faith In Action Kit


The Faith in Action kit was developed to empower and equip the church to answer their community’s need to be educated and understand the threat against children nationwide.  Galvanizing the church into action will help wage war and win the battle against child sex trafficking, the commercial sale of our own US born children, in our cities, in our states across the nation.

The kit has tools for Youth, Men, Women and Leaders, including USB drives with the Chosen Plus, videos, printed materials, AND specific group discussion guides, a 30-day Prayer Guide, awareness poster, sermon notes  and HOW TO instructions to get started.

FIA Flyer

Let faith-filled audience members know about this incredible resource.

Editable Faith in Action Event Poster

Editable Poster to promote your CHOSEN Event and See your Faith in Action Kit. (So they may share with their faith community)

Faith In Action Table Top Display

Fully describe the FIA Kit to those seeing you in a tabletop setting.

Email Footer

Email footers, in Gmail and other systems, are based on HTML language. Right click, customize and save this HTML file to be used as your own AoH-friendly email footer!

All email sent with this Shared Hope Ambassador’s footer needs to be for Ambassador communications and not be used for fundaising for personal reasons or for other organizations.

Click to Save Email Footer

Inspiring Blog Articles

Shared Hope publishes inspiring articles for, by and about Ambassadors and how they are making a difference in our country. Get inspired yourself, or share and recruit others via your social feeds!